Call Centres are here to stay, although their livelihood depends on sophisticated operations and superbly trained agents.

Get World Class Call Centre training from Peer Training Group and learn the critical techniques on how to treat your customers like GOLD

Rather than focusing on how to close more deals, we will share with you ways of developing trust and rapport by asking sound, relevant questions that lead naturally to the close.

Our course is based on a process that positions salespeople as objective advisors, and trusted experts rather than persuaders, manipulators, and pushers.

The Inbound Call Centre workshop has been designed specifically to teach trainees the essential skills necessary to excel as an individual performer and participate as a team player.

The training programme targets key outbound disciplines such as:
Communication and

  • Effective Voice Techniques
  • The Sales Interview
  • High impact opening statements
  • Control with questions
  • Sell the benefits, they will buy
  • Features, advantages and benefits
  • Emotions, the triggers of selling
  • The objection handling system
  • Test closing
  • Power closes of a champion
  • What makes people buy?
  • How to handle fear and rejection
  • How to motivate your way out of a slump

All Tele Sales staff who work in a call centre.


Our training is based on creating an environment where the learner is the most important person. The trainer is there to guide and facilitate. Within our programs, participants become engaged in an experience that mirrors the pressures and challenges faced in a real-world situation.

A Personalised Certificate is issued at the end of the day.


One day High Impact workshop.


Peer Training Group on 011 787 6781 or for more information.

Do you need more information OR want to get started?
Enquire Now