The Nice Customer (who never comes back)


“Consider the customer who complains and criticizes you for the bad service you deliver. You ought to be grateful that he is giving you the opportunity to correct yourself and make amends in some tangible way.”

I am your best customer. You know who I am talking about. I’m the one who never complains, never shouts, never performs or causes a scene when I am unhappy with your service. I don’t ask for the manager either.

I don’t even say anything when someone who came in after me is served before me. I am patient and polite and I am prepared to wait even longer for your attention.

When I come into your store or business premises, I don’t act the arrogant, belligerent, or sarcastic customer who tries to draw attention to himself because I consider myself more important than anyone else present and expect you to jump to my ever wish and whim. In fact I am very polite when you get upset because I want to look at more than one product before making up my mind.

I am not like so many other customers who wouldn’t hesitate to get nasty with you if they are kept waiting or don’t get the answers to their enquiry. NO, my dear friend, I am your nicest customer you will ever meet, in fact, I’ll tell you what else I am !! I am the CUSTOMER WHO WILL NEVER COME BACK!!!

You see, I have a different style of behavior. This behavior is also far more deadly than screaming and shouting to vent my anger. A customer who never comes back will lose you profits, respect, a bad name, as well as potential business from other customers who I speak to you regularly. I start to amuse myself when I see the vast sums of money being spent by your company to entice me to come into your store, when you could have saved your company that expense by providing good customer service.

Consider the customer who complains and criticises you for the bad service you meet out. You ought to be grateful that he is giving you the opportunity to correct yourself and make amends in some tangible way.

Always remember: The customer, who knows he gets good service, becomes very forgiving when mistakes are made.

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